Quien iba pensar q iba nacer una amistad.... Quien iba pensar que se iba acabar otra.... Quien penso verme aqui en este instante.... Y aunque agradezco q mi vida sea asi como es..... Quiero que regrese el tiempo de inocencia donde todo era posible.... LLegar a ser J-lo era facil..... Las amistades eran eternas y la escuela era solo para pasar el rato... Donde mi gente y yo pensabamos que eramos invensibles y que toda la vida las flacas iban a ser flacas y las no tan flacas iban a ser gordas hahahah Those were the days!!!...... No nos preguntabamos que va ser de nuestras vidas..era mas que iba ser de este fin!!!!! que nos ibamos a poner....... nuestras mentes aun no madurban y el corazon aun no sentia tantos golpes......... Yo era una nina feliz que si fuera por mi en esa epoca hubiera llevado toda la gente que amaba to ride on my world.... I would have evitado todos sus sufrimientos and recorrido el camino por ellos para decirles que desicion no tomar o si tomar....Yo realmente pense que yo tenia la capacidad emocinal y espiritual y OUT OF THIS WORLD to do that..... Yo pense que todas y todos eran a never ending story to my life....the laughs that we laughed were a eternal ..... I still remember jokes that only one person would have understood it in that particular moment in time but then I remember well there no longer in my life...But i guess that its the memory that you cherish and you cant erase the memories even if you want to...We all know it and I can surely say that i have tried and i couldn't... So i decided to embrace them when they pop in my head..and laugh and imagine that they got a kick out of it too.. and then go on with life.......
Even though esa epoca dividido en varios Sub heads! was great...
This one has its Pro's and Con's ....The love I have for my parents today and the respect are so big that I couldnt even begin to explain..I now know that I am so lucky to have been born by them... The more I try to look for those perfect parents I use to look for in Secundaria (Colombia) Highschool ( Cancun) College (France) The more I realize that mis criterios han cambiado...lol thats for sure and I just couldnt find any other parents that would be perfect to create the human being I am and willing to become..... I am one lucky cat as Hugh hefner says I guess I am....
Today I have learned how to bullet proof myself and know that the word forever is just a word not a reality... Few people are forever...its the memories we have the remain forever..... Some may say i've become jaded...some may say it was about time... some others may say I'll regret and others that I am not the same "kaky" but who is the same person.. no one and the ones that are bore us ...
No one will ever be completamente feliz about your desiciones and yourself.. but thats the fun part of life.. willing to risk what you know, the people you know for something unknown... Willing to become the person you have in your dreams even though everyone and even yourself at times think its probably impossible to accomplish BUT DO IT ANY WAYS!!.... I am happy for the people i've met in this life and the people im getting to know ..Im proud of all the cultures and schools i've gone to that made me see that young people think completely different even though its the same outline....
"The girl never saw the ocean because she didn't risk the shore" I'd like to think that i have left the shore in my own way.... and I have the opportunity to go back to each and every shore i've left behind once in a while..not a lot of people can, i guess.... I liked to say that the few or may i correct myself /.....Quite a few people I can call friends have been the best I could pick.... Its like a bouquet of different flowers each flower creates its balance and colors in my life.........Thank you mom and dad for being the bouquet and thank you friends for being the colors in my life!!!....
I wish you all the best this holiday!
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