So today at skul I was talking about vagina's with my turkish friend and my E to the M and well I was explaining that VAGINA's DO NOT HAVE A TONGUE so whyyyyy do we have to talk for them????.... so If the person that created us or when we grew from monkeys to humans, vagina's did not suddenly grow a tongue...THEN WHYYYY do we have to tell people how many men we have F-U-c-k-e-D ????? like why???? we all ask these questions..... LIKE, SO DO I KNOW ANY OF THE GIRLS YOU'VE BEEN WITH thats a nice way of saying do i know any of the girls you've fucked.... WHY DO GIRLS ASK THESE QUESTIONS WE DONT REALLY WANNA KNOW AND IF WE DO its only to haunt our poor little minds..... to compare us with the girl they slept with..... and well lets face it ITS NOT LIKE YOU HAVENT SLEPT with any one before him... and if you haven't like my friend pek well HALELUYA!!! there ain't that many girls out there like you.... sooo back to what I was saying... We all agree that the guy you are with KISSES LIKE WOW and makes you reach the stars when he's in bed with you moving his thing (MOTION OF THE OCEAN) and we all agree that for hIm to acomplish this he had to have experience before you and THANKS TO THAT EXPERIENCE HE IS NOw your personal SEX GODDESS ... so why dont we just say thank you to all the girls he's been with OF COURSE WITHOUT knowing who they are because if you do know who they are we wont be able to say thanks ( I KNOW I WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO) .... anD AFTER saying thank you the only thing left and the only that is important is:
LETS BE sure that we are the last one to touch that body of his...... that all that matters
A la madreeeeeeeeeeee acuerdate de cosas bonitas!!! pasamos muchas cosas juntass!! olvida lo de burguer king eramos pubertas y todo se nos hacia facil sabes que te amo!! yque te voy a ver pronto y siempre estare contigo i loveeeeeeeeee you my dearest and beautiful friend!!(L)(L) xoxo..karla