No... Yesturday lets first talk about yesturday.. even if talking about the past doesnt change it lets talk about it cause with out the past there aint no future....
.... you assume about my assumptions....
....dont wanna stop writing...maybe ill find an answer in my writing.....NO NOPE no answer only more questions.....
... no answers, same assumptions..... When are the gonna stop? My friend uly would say "shen you want them to, bombom!!!! So when will i want them to? and uly would say.. "When you want them to... and just fyi i think today would be a good day!!
So sad... i GUESS IF I WAS A painting i would be a girl with stars and moons just next to her fingers barley touching but her hand is going towards ...... and finally touching the beautiful not so pleasant fire..... burning of fire ! and the painter would of asked himself so many moons and stars inside and out of her.. she just wanted the burning fire!!!........ thats my portrait....
sO I WAS trying to look at my situtation inside out, if I was book id close the chapter and ever look back " HIT THE ROAD JACK "
but im jaded i dont feel sadness not hate, not nothing its like for the first time in m life i just dont feel like fighting i just dont feel.
I did find out inside out that he is the fuel of my writing.. i become closer to my feelings... ive been smoking like a chimeny it makes me relax (stupid) but yes! this is what it does two distructive objects make me write maybe not like a goddes would write , but write!
I thught about my friend yaro, how knowing that hes home gives her tranquilidad me being here doesnt make me think 200 times what happened how it happened it just happens and i stop thinking it gives me tranquilidad.
its like what juanluis guerra says " no veo porq me enamoro" I should do this every day tranquilidad al 100%
this all was written thE 2ND OF MARCH 2009 tuesday
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