Sunday, May 31, 2009

pipi's del mundo

So do we fuck after the month of dating or second ...and if we wait... they stop calling because QUE HUEVA and if they dont the'll go steady then fuck you and then tell you gotta go..and leave you...So  im trying to find and answer for my friend and well I guess the whole thing about following your heart and instincts ...she aint buying it cause well I guess me following my gut feeling hasnt helped me that  i cant use my self  as an example" OH YEAH WELL SEE HOW GREAT THE FOLLOWING  MY HEART WENT FOR ME ummm NO "  but I keep on doing it....  so I have to find an answer..ive been asking these human beings with  penises that walk around this planet... WHEN HOW WHERE WHY ....and guess what they all ahve different answers... so I guess ni ellos se ponen de acuerdo.....  SO PENISES  OF THE WORLD!!!! I QUESTION  YOU TO QUESTION  YOURSELF AND COME WITH AN ANSWER WHEN IS IT OK FOR YOUR  hairy elephant with googelly eyes come and swim in the pond...( hope for it not to be a hairy pond)

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